Community Action for Youth is a community based organization that was started in 2004 as a non-profit organization. A group of concerned retired educators and other community leaders organized the Community Action for Youth Center after a report of a 38.6% overall high school drop-out rate. The drop-out rate was even higher among African-American and Hispanics (47.3 and 62%).
The Community Action for Youth has currently purchased an old gymnasium and is now in the process of renovating. The 50 year old gymnasium was previously used by the Emanuel County Board of Education as a storage building. All proceeds from current fund-raisers have gone toward the purchase of the building. We have been using our local high school gym and our Swainsboro-Emanuel County Recreation Department facilities for various fund-raising activities. The fund-raising committee has been organized and youth activities are ongoing. About 85% of funds needed for youth activities have been donated by members of the community.
Children are our only hope for the future, but we are their only hope for their present and future.
Our Mission
To improve the lives of all youth in our community who are potentially at risk of becoming a high school drop-out.
To help each youth participating in the program to embrace the idea that learning is a life-long process.
To encourage and motivate each child to grasp the concept and importance of continuous growth through education.
Our Vision
Our vision is to improve the lives of all youth in our community through education and recreation. Community Action for Youth’s aim is to help each youth participating in the program to embrace the idea that learning is a life-long process. We as members of the community will help encourage and motivate each child to grasp this concept and the importance of continuous growth through education. It is expected through our program to refocus cultural values and character building along with small group tutorials which will be a direct effect on the quality of life for the youth in our community.